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Hi there! Have some questions about our products? Find the answers below. 
  • What is Control Technology?

    Our Control Technology continuously disinfects viruses, bacteria, mold and other fungi, while patients, staffs and visitors are present. This is accomplished by producing 0.02 ppm of hydrogen peroxide gas from oxygen and water vapor in the air. This is 1/50th OSHA daily limits for occupied areas

    A Photo Catalytic process produces a gaseous hydrogen peroxide. The technology is effective against microbes both in the air and on surfaces because the hydrogen peroxide molecules have both localized positive and negative charges that are literally drawn to viruses and bacteria by electrostatic attraction, disinfecting microbes in places that other technologies can’t even reach. For example: The gaseous hydrogen peroxide first sanitizes the air ducts, then sanitizes the air and exposed surfaces, and over time diffuses into every crack and crevice that air can penetrate, disinfecting microbes in places that other processes or wipe- downs and chemical disinfectants cannot reach. The Control Technology can inactivate and reduce the viability of microorganisms greater than 95% in as little as 2 hours.

  • What is The Advantage of Using Continuous Microbial Reduction Technology?

    The Continuous Microbial Reduction technology uses gaseous hydrogen peroxide disinfection process, it provides aggressive infection control strategies to combat various types of contamination. Additionally Continuous Microbial Technology provides:

     Massive cost avoidance

     Lower cost of prevention

     Lower cost of remediation or sanitization

     Rapid return on investment

     Reduces the risk of spreading or cross contaminating people or building

     Low up-front cost compared to other chemicals and systems

     24 hour protection reduces the spread of germs, bacteria, viruses and mold

     Stabilization of areas before remediation can begin

     Low maintenance; replace cell every 3 years

     Better indoor air quality for workers and clients

     Less absenteeism from workers

  • Is our Technology Safe?

    Yes, 0.02 ppm of hydrogen peroxide gas is just one fiftieth of the amount that OSHA tells us is safe throughout a standard workday. The hydrogen peroxide gas concentration is also self-regulating. (This was confirmed by Dr. Marsden at Kansas State University). If hydrogen peroxide gas increases above 0.02 ppm, it starts reacting with itself until the concentration drops back down to 0.02 ppm. Our Continuous Microbial Reduction technology units actually produce much higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide gas immediately around the units themselves, but the hydrogen peroxide gas reacts with itself so fast that the concentration drops to 0.02 ppm within approximately an inch of the unit. When hydrogen peroxide gas reacts with itself, it breaks down into non-toxic oxygen and water vapor. Mold and Powdery Mildew are continuously dissipated. 

  • What Does the Air Treated by our Control Units Smell like?

    It is odorless. At 0.02 ppm, hydrogen peroxide gas is undetectable by the human nose, so our technology units do not produce a smell. It will, however, eliminate some smells by disinfecting molds, mildew, and other microbes that produce smells. As smell-producing microbes are disinfected, they will stop producing new odors, and old odors produced before the disinfection will dissipate over time.

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